Pastor William (Bill) Haley was born in Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1951. Bill and his sister Lana were raised by their Mom, Lorraine Haley until she remarried when Bill was 10 years old. In 1962 the family moved from Ohio to the San Fernando Valley in Southern California where he attended Junior and Senior High School, graduating from Taft High School in Woodland Hills, Ca in 1969. The day after graduation Bill took a bus to Phoenix, Az where he joined seven other college age young people who spent the entire summer working at an orphanage in San Vicente, Mexico. This trip was sponsored by Project Challenge. The girls in the group worked with the children at the orphanage while the guys handled the construction work on the orphanage grounds. Upon returning from the mission field Bill moved into the dorms at Pacific Christian College, located Long Beach, Ca. Working his way through Bible College Bill worked at various jobs while always being involved in youth ministry. Upon graduating from Pacific Christian in 1974 he was married with one young son, Eric. He worked as youth pastor for Valley Christian Church in Arleta, Ca for over three years and after graduation he became interim minister for Valley Christian Church. Later that year he became Senior Pastor of the Victory Center Church of Christ, in North Hollywood, Ca. During the 18 months at Victory Center another child arrived, a daughter, Sara. For the next two years Bill served as Associate Pastor of East Anaheim Christian Church on a part time basis while working for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, in downtown Los Angeles. In 1976 Bill became the Senior Pastor of the First Christian Church in Bell, Ca. This was an inter-city ministry where he served for five years. During that five years, Bill attended graduate school at Pacific Christian College, now in Fullerton, Ca. and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry. The church continued to grow but unfortunately he experienced the pain of separation and divorce. The church continued to support his ministry during this painful time. In 1983 Bill joined Pastor Tom Harvick at the First Christian Church in Canyon Country as a pastoral counselor. Upon Pastor Tom’s retirement in December, Bill became Senior Pastor of the church in Canyon Country and has served there for the last 41 years with his wife, Cathy. They have two sons, Adam and Timothy.

About Pastor Bill Haley

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